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Inserisci le date di partenza, il numero delle persone, i bambini partecipanti.
Ti risponderemo in tempi brevissimi!
Experience two inspirational weeks in Italy, connecting with the some of the greatest cultural highlights in the world.
Get in touch with the ancient past alongside an archaeologist among the ash-preserved ruins of Pompeii, marvel at Renaissance treasures in iconic Venice and enchanting Florence, and stop and smell the lemons in the quaint cliff-side villages of the Amalfi Coast.
Introduce yourself to the Italian lifestyle and it’ll remain with you always.
Hotel (13 notti).
13 colazioni, 1 lunch
Calcolare USD 550-715 per i pasti non inclusi.
Treno, pulmino/minibus privato, barca, piedi.
Chief Experience Officer (CEO) parlante inglese durante tutto il viaggio, guide locali.